IPPFoRB Co-Organizes Interfaith Dialogue in Norway on Freedom of Expression, Anti-Muslim Hatred, and Antisemitism

Panel discussion – Europe Together, Challenging prejudice in all its forms. From left: Dr. Lars Gule (Norwegian Humanist Association), Alexandre Guessel, (Special Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe on antisemitic, anti-Muslim and other forms of religious intolerance and hate crimes - Council of Europe), Hon.Taufik Basari (Parliamentarian Indonesia, member of IPPFoRB), Professor Claudia Lenz (Chair for Prevention of Racism and Antisemitism - The Norwegian School of Theology), Shaukat Warraich (CEO Faith Associates). Photos: Monika Holand Bøe

Kristiansand, May 2024— The Kristiansand Interfaith Dialogue occurred on May 4th during Kristiansand’s Democracy Week and facilitated meaningful discussions on enhancing democracy and human rights while addressing the balance between freedom of expression and hate speech. The event was co-organized by IPPFoRB, the Kristiansand Municipality, the University of Agder, Faith Associates and the Council for Religious and Life Stance Communities in Norway (STL).

The event commenced with an opening by Fernanda San Martin Carrasco, Director of IPPFoRB, highlighting the importance of diversity, equality, non-discrimination and solidarity. Sunniva Whittaker, Rector of the University of Agder (UiA), and Jorunn Gleditsch Lossius, Deputy Representative of Agder, introduced the program and the importance of promoting positive narratives related to the right to freedom of religion or belief. The event featured several notable speakers, including Alexander Guessel, the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe on antisemitic, anti-Muslim, and other forms of religious intolerance and hate crimes; Professor Claudia Lenz, Chair for the Prevention of Racism and Antisemitism of the Norwegian School of Theology; Dr Lars Gule from the Norwegian Humanist Association; and Hon Taufik Basari, a Parliamentarian from Indonesia and member of IPPFoRB network.

Jorunn Gleditsch Lossius, Norwegian Politician. Photo: Monika Holand Bøe

Whittaker shared, “As a higher education institution it is important for us to demonstrate that conflicts can be solved through dialogue. Promoting understanding between religions is crucial to preserve peace." 

“This is a complex terrain to navigate, and I believe it is crucial to begin by recognizing that our words have immense power: they can uplift, unite, or harm. This right empowers us to seek truth, hold our leaders accountable, and foster intellectual growth,” noted Lossius.  

“Religion can be criticized”

Referring to Articles 9 and 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, Alexander Guessel emphasized that the law protects individuals while allowing for the criticism of religions. Article 9 guarantees the right to freedom of religion or belief, and Article 10 ensures the right to freedom of expression. Mr. Guessel also underscored the importance of education in combating anti-Muslim hatred.

Hon Taufik Basari pointed out that many politicians shy away from addressing freedom of religion or belief due to a lack of knowledge and awareness. He remarked, "In my country, politicians avoid it because it is a sensitive issue." Basari also expressed concern that new laws, such as antiterrorism legislation in the United States and Britain, threaten the rule of law. Despite these challenges, he conveyed optimism about working together to effect change in this area.

The Muslim European Empowerment Programme

Photo: Sara Machado / IPPFoRB

The day before, IPPFoRB participated in a discussion led by the Muslim European Empowerment Programme (MEET). This event brought together community leaders and experts to explore the importance of fostering cohesion within European societies and the role of the Muslim community. Participants highlighted a growing disillusionment with politicians, the potential for dialogue amid increasing polarization, and the perception that not enough is being done. Despite these challenges, meaningful dialogue was established, and politicians participating actively took on their responsibilities.

Overall, this event promoted dialogue, unity, and understanding, paving the way for ongoing discussions to achieve freedom of religion or belief for all. The powerful speeches and optimistic sentiments towards togetherness laid a strong foundation for continued dialogue on these critical issues.

IPPFoRB extends its gratitude to the partners and participants for their engagement and contributions, which are crucial to the ongoing efforts to protect and promote freedom of religion or belief in accordance with international human rights law.

For more information, please contact:

Sara Machado, IPPFoRB Communications and Advocacy Adviser
sm@nhc.no / +47 453 80 822