Six years, six actions: What IPPFoRB does to advance freedom of religion or belief for all

Every year, on 8th November, we celebrate the founding of the International Panel of Parliamentarians for Freedom of Religion or Belief (IPPFoRB). Officially established in 2014, IPPFoRB became a reality when 30 parliamentarians from across the world signed the Oslo Charter, a document declaring commitment to the right to freedom of religion or belief, as defined in Article 18 of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

IPPFoRB Timeline 2014- 2020

On this six-year anniversary, we look at six ways IPPFoRB continues to advance the right to freedom of religion or belief for everyone, everywhere:

1.    Bringing diverse voices together

We have grown from 30 to 300 parliamentarians in only six years! We continue to expand our network by bringing together like-minded parliamentarians who believe in the common objective of advancing freedom of religion or belief for all.

2.    Supporting regional champions

By being closer to ground realities, regional voices are in a better position to bring about change on relevant issues. We consistently support our networks of parliamentarians in Africa and Southeast Asia at a national and regional level.

3.    Platforms for interaction

Passing on knowledge and exchanging experiences is essential for well-functioning networks. We provide and use various online and offline platforms that invoke thought-provoking discussions, engagements and peer-to-peer learning, both between fellow parliamentarians and with civil society actors.

4. Speak for FoRB

Words have power. Our FoRB sensitive parliamentarians consistently promote freedom of religion or belief and defend civic space for all.

5.    Knowledge is power

Building a knowledgeable global network by providing diverse perspectives and competency to parliamentarians about freedom of religion or belief as part of the holistic human rights framework is key to our work.

6.    Tools for action

We produce well researched tools in order to assist and support parliamentarians in improving the human rights situations of their countries.

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